Audio embedding on Blogger and WordPress


January 30, 2010 – My friend Andrea Shea King, the journalist, radio broadcaster, columnist and mega-patriot, expressed interest recently in embedding audio clips to her Web site. I promised her and her listeners an easy guide.

Here it is, in five very easy (and free) steps, followed by the code. (Yes, it’s this easy!)

  1. Create a free account (“Personal Account”) at and upload your MP3 files there.
  2. Copy the full URL* of the desired file and paste it somewhere, for use in just a moment.
  3. Copy the Google Reader embed code below and paste it into the HTML editor of your blog post.
  4. Replace MP3_FILE_URL in the code with your actual file URL. Adjust the player width, if necessary.
  5. Publish your post and test the embedded player. Adjust formatting and line breaks as needed.
The code you will use is:
<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" width="400" height="27" allowscriptaccess="never" quality="best" bgcolor="#ffffff" wmode="window" flashvars="playerMode=embedded" />
That’s it! You’re done!  Your player will look like this, with play/pause, volume control, and forward/rewind buttons:

About the code:
  • You can easily shorten the width of the player if it is too long to fit your blog
  • You can indent or align the embedded player on your page using regular HTML.
  • I do not know whether this code plays non-MP3 files. However, if you find that it doesn’t, you can always convert your audio files to MP3 format using the AVS Audio Converter. Also, there are other audio embedding codes available for other file formats if you search for them. One such place is here.
* How to obtain the URL of your file at
  1. Click on File at the main menu, then Main Folder to view its contents.
  2. Right-click the file’s icon and select Properties…
  3. Click on the URL link next to Linking codes.
  4. Copy the URL to your clipboard.
Your file’s full URL will look something like this:



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